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The name of this organization shall be Cornerstone Baptist Church located at Greencastle, Indiana.



            The purpose of Cornerstone Baptist Church is “Reaching the world by teaching the Word.”



Cornerstone Baptist Church is an independent body having no affiliation with any established association, organization or parent church.  We depend upon God to direct our decisions and supply all our needs.



A. Qualifications for Membership

  1. A personal commitment of faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation

  2. Baptism by immersion as a testimony of salvation

  3. Completion of the church’s membership class

  4. A commitment to the church’s statement of faith

B. Becoming a Member

   A person may become a member of this church in one of four ways:

  1. Baptism by immersion

  2. Letter of transfer from a church of like faith

  3. Statement of Christian experience and Scriptural baptism

  4. Restoration

C. Status of Membership

  1. The membership of this church will consist of active and inactive members.

  2. Active Members are those who have been received into the church by the methods described in “Qualifications for Membership” and attend services.

  3. After not attending Cornerstone for a period of 60 days, a member will be placed on an inactive members list. At this time a letter will be sent to the member at the last known address informing him/her of the change. While on the inactive member list, the member no longer has voting privileges.

  4. After 30 days on the inactive member list, the membership is terminated.

  5. Any member unable to attend due to health reasons or other understandable restraints will not be placed on the inactive member list.    

D. Termination of Membership

    Members shall be removed from the church roll for the following reasons:

  1. Death

  2. Transfer of membership to another church

  3. By personal request of the member

  4. After 30 days on the inactive member list

  5. Dismissal by the church due to church discipline

E. Discipline of Members

  The matter of discipline of the membership shall be in the hands of the Senior Pastor, the staff under his leadership, and the deacon

  board. The purpose of discipline is the restoration of the member. In the case of expulsion from membership, the church must take

  final action. No member shall be expelled until every effort has been made to reclaim him or her for Christ and the church.

  (Galatians 6:1; Matthew 18:15-19)

F. Rights of Members

  1. The voting age for active members of this church will be set at the age of 16.   Only active members may hold office, teach, or serve on a search team or committee.

  2. An active member of Cornerstone Baptist Church may vote absentee. Each absentee vote must be signed by the member and received by a Deacon before the vote.



    A. Baptism

The Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor, or some person authorized by the church shall immerse in water those professing saving faith in Jesus Christ as personal Saviour in accordance with Scriptural teaching.  Immersion shall be prerequisite to church membership.  The Ordinance has no saving power and confers no saving Grace.

     B. Lord’s Supper

The Lord’s Supper (Communion) shall be served by the Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor or some person designated by the church, and the Deacons at the discretion of the Senior Pastor.



The Officers of the church shall consist of Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor, Deacons, Trustees, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Clerk and Assistant Clerk.

All officers must be active members of the church in hearty agreement with the doctrinal statement and Constitution of this church.  Officers are to be chosen from active members who are living a surrendered, prayerful Christian life especially as regards loyal obedience to the moral precepts taught in the Word of God for believers.

All unruly officers may be removed from office at the recommendation of the Senior Pastor and approval of a two-thirds-majority vote of the members present.


A. Senior Pastor

     1.  Qualifications

The Senior Pastor shall be a man who gives evidence of the call of God to the ministry of the Gospel and of adherence to the Scriptural principles governing church leadership.  He shall be recognized as the God-appointed leader of the congregation.

The qualifications for Senior Pastor shall be such as are prescribed and set forth in the New Testament.

( I Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9)

     2.  Duties

The Senior Pastor, by virtue of his office as spiritual leader and shepherd of the flock, becomes a member of this church, and his duties shall be those generally associated with his office, including the ministry of the Word, administration of the ordinances, and the care of the spiritual welfare of the member.  He shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and organizations within the church.

When a Senior Pastor is hired, he shall receive a job description outlining the position’s duties and responsibilities.  Changes to the job description or the salary package of the Senior Pastor shall be determined by a vote of the congregation.

     3.  Call

In the absence of a Senior Pastor, a Search Team will be formed of five members.  This team shall consist of at least two Deacons with the remainder of the Team comprising laypeople from the church’s active member list.  All five persons on the Search Team will be chosen by the Deacons and voted on by the membership.  An interim or Associate Pastor may not serve on a Search Team.  The Search Team will investigate possible candidates and arrange for them to speak at Sunday services. 

Notice of the proposed choice of Senior Pastor shall be given from the pulpit for two successive Sunday mornings preceding the election Voting shall be by ballot with a two-thirds majority vote required for election. Only one candidate shall be considered at a time.  The Senior Pastor shall be elected for an indeterminate term.

     4.  Termination of a Senior Pastor

  1. A notice of thirty (30) days shall be given by the Senior Pastor or the church to terminate, with remuneration and services continuing through this period, unless otherwise mutually agreed.

  2. A vote may be taken by the members at any time to terminate the Senior Pastor’s services.  The Deacons may call a special meeting for that purpose or if a petition of twenty-five percent of the membership has been presented.  Such special meeting shall have a two-Sunday announcement previous thereto.  A two-thirds majority vote shall be required to terminate the Senior Pastor’s services.

  3. In the event of doctrinal or moral defection, the Senior Pastor’s services may be terminated immediately by action of the Deacons, to be ratified by a vote of the membership.


B.  Associate Pastor

     1.  Qualifications

The Associate Pastor shall be a man who gives evidence of the call of God to the ministry of the Gospel and an adherence to the Scriptural principles governing Church leadership.  He shall be recognized as the under girding support to the God-appointed leader of the congregation.

The qualification for the Associate Pastor shall be such as are prescribed and set forth in the New Testament.  (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9)

     2.  Duties

The Associate Pastor by virtue of his office as the under-girding support of the Senior Pastor and his ministerial duties to the body of Christ will become a member of this church. 

When an Associate Pastor is hired, he shall receive a job description outlining the position’s duties and responsibilities.  Changes to the job description or the salary package of the Senior Pastor shall be determined by a vote of the congregation.

     3.  Call

To call an Associate Pastor a Search Team will be formed of five members.  This team shall consist of at least two Deacons with the remainder of the Team comprising laypeople from the church’s active member list.  An interim pastor may not serve on the Search Team.  The Search Team will investigate possible candidates and arrange for them to speak at Sunday services. 

Notice of the proposed choice of Associate Pastor shall be given from the pulpit for two successive Sunday mornings preceding the election.  Voting shall be by ballot with a two-thirds majority vote required for election.  Only one candidate shall be considered at a time.  The Associate Pastor shall be elected for an indeterminate term.

     4.  Termination of an Associate Pastor

  1. A notice of thirty (30) days shall be given by the Associate Pastor or the church to terminate, with remuneration and services continuing through this period, unless otherwise mutually agreed.

  2. A vote may be taken by the members at any time to terminate the Associate Pastor’s services.  The Deacons may call a special meeting for that purpose or if a petition of twenty-five percent of the membership has been presented.  Such special meeting shall have a two-Sunday announcement previous thereto.  A two-thirds majority vote shall be required to terminate the Associate Pastor’s services.

  3. In the event of doctrinal or moral defection, the Associate Pastor’s services may be terminated immediately by action of the Senior Pastor and Deacons, to be ratified by a vote of the membership.


C.  Deacons

     1.  Call

  1. The church shall elect Deacons as the need arises and qualifications of the men are in accordance with Scripture.  After announcing a deacon candidate the church will have 30 days to speak to the man if they have any reservation. 

  2. Voting shall be by ballot with a two-thirds majority vote required for election.

  3. The number of deacons shall be determined by the needs of the ministry and the call and qualifications of men in the church. These members shall be received as gifts of Christ to His church and set apart as deacons. This recognition shall be reaffirmed by the church triennially.

  4. After a deacon has served two consecutive three-year terms, he shall not be eligible for re-election as a deacon for at least one year.

     2.  Qualifications

The qualifications for Deacon shall be such as are prescribed and set forth in the New Testament.

(Acts 6:3; 1 Timothy 3:8-13)

     3.  Duties

  1. Prepare the elements and table for the Lord’s Supper and assist in serving the same.

  2. Assist the Senior Pastor in the spiritual supervision of the church, relieving him in material aspects of the church, and assisting him in the ministries of the church.

  3. In the absence of a Senior Pastor, the deacon board will lead the church in organizing a Search Team and obtaining a Senior Pastor.

  4. Assist the pastor in personnel issues regarding non-pastoral staff. This role includes, but is not limited to, filling positions when available, determining job responsibilities, evaluating work, and dismissing non-pastoral staff should the need arise.

  5. Assist with the follow-up of church members and congregational care ministries.

  6. Assist in monitoring the health of the congregation and its members. When necessary, deacons shall aid the pastor in dealing with church discipline issues and working to provide the fallen brother or sister opportunities for repentance and healing.


D.  Trustees

     1.  Call

  1. The church shall elect Trustees from the membership.  They shall serve indefinitely and may be replaced by a two-thirds majority vote of the membership at a regular or a specially called business meeting.

  2. The number of Trustees shall be determined by the needs of the ministry but shall not be less than three. Recognition as Trustee shall be reaffirmed by the church triennially.

  3. After a Trustee has served two consecutive three-year terms, he shall not be eligible for re-election as a trustee for at least one year.

 2.  Duties

  1. The Trustees shall make a full report of their activities to the church as requested by the church.

  2. The Trustees shall not have authority to sell, lease, give away, or dispose of church property in any manner except as the church shall or by a corporate act.  The Trustees are at all times servants of the church and subject to its corporate action.

  3. The Trustees shall be responsible for building maintenance and repair. Should these needs require hiring professional contractors, the trustees shall be responsible to obtain quotes and make a recommendation based on their findings. Final approval for non-budgeted expenses must be approved by the congregation at a business meeting.


E.  Treasurer

1.  Call

The church shall elect from its membership a Treasurer. 

2.  Duties

  1. He/she shall receive all moneys of the church and apply the same as directed by the church; keep a true and fair record of accounts and make a full report to the church at each annual meeting and when otherwise directed by the church. 

  2. He/she will be confidential with the giving records of the church body.


F.  Assistant Treasurer

     1.  Call

The church shall elect from its membership an Assistant Treasurer.  He/she shall assist the Treasurer in that office and act in his/her absence.

     2.  Duties

The Assistant Treasurer shall deposit weekly offerings in a timely and accurate manner, create and distribute annual tax documents to donors, and have the ability to sign checks in cases where the Treasurer may not be available.


G.  Clerk

The church shall elect from its membership a Clerk.  He/she shall keep a fair and complete record of the proceedings of the church, keep minutes of all business meetings, and perform such other particular duties as may be prescribed by the church.

H.  Assistant Clerk

The church shall elect from its membership an Assistant Clerk.  He/she shall assist the Clerk in that office and act in his/her absence.

I.  Special Committees

  1. Special committees made up of members of the church may be needed for on-going purposes such as missions, or on a short-term basis to prepare a church budget, to review the church constitution, and other committees as needed.  The Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor, and Deacons will make the recommendations as to who will serve on those committees which will then be voted on by the membership.

  2. The pastor and church officers will make up the church’s budget committee. This committee will meet annually to prepare the church’s proposed budget. The proposed budget shall be presented to the church at least one-month before the Annual Business Meeting and will be either adopted or rejected by the congregation at said meeting.  Should modifications to the budget become necessary throughout the year, the budget committee will make recommendations to the congregation for final approval.



A.  Annual Meeting

A general meeting of the membership shall be held on the second Wednesday night of December.  The main purpose of this annual business meeting shall be to adopt an annual budget.  Any other proper business may be conducted at this meeting as needed.

B.  Regular Business Meetings

Regular business meetings shall be held quarterly.  At this regular business meeting an update of all business transacted since the last business meeting will be made available upon request.  The Treasurer’s report for the quarter will also be presented.

C.  Called Business Meetings

A special business meeting may be called at any time upon proper notification of members.  Proper notification will consist of two consecutive Sunday morning announcements or by letter with a seven-day notice.  These meetings shall be called by the Senior Pastor or Deacons and should only be called in cases that require immediate attention. 

D.  Quorum

At least 25% of active members must be in attendance for business to be conducted at any church

business meeting.  A 2/3 majority vote is required for all business to pass.



No part of the net earnings of this corporation shall ever inure to the benefit of any donor, member, director, or officer of the corporation or to any private individual.  Furthermore, no donor, member, director, officer of the corporation, or any private individual shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the corporation assets.  Upon dissolution any assets of the corporation must be distributed equally to the missionaries that are currently supported by the church.         



This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote at a special called business meeting.



This constitution was voted into effect at the business meeting on April 3, 2005.



Revised October 14, 2018

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